Higher Physician Training (HPT)

Specialty Boards

  • Pass Joint HKCPIE/MRCP(UK) examination
  • At least 36-month Basic Physician Training at accredited centres
  • A member of HKCP

Training Checklist
  1. Submit the  Higher Physician Training (HPT) Trainee Registry
  2. Fill in HPT logbook
  3. Complete Self-Learning Tool (SLT) 2 times per year (6-month cycle with deadline in Mar and Sep every year)
  4. Attend interim assessment ( fill the  Interim and Exit Assessment forms [updated October 2019] )
  5. Prepare dissertation
  6. Attend exit assessment ( fill the  Interim and Exit Assessment forms [updated October 2019] )

Dissertation Abstracts

Changing Training Specialty

Suspension of training
Sample letters for AIM Board and other Specialty Boards for Exit Assessment

SBGM HPT (Geriatric Medicine) Logbook for trainees recruited after July 2021