Advanced Internal Medicine (AIM)

AIM Specialty Board

  • Pass Joint HKCPIE/MRCP(UK) examination
  • At least 36-month Basic Physician Training at accredited centres
  • A member of HKCP

Training Checklist
  1. Submit the  Higher Physician Training (HPT) Trainee Registry
  2. Fill in  AIM Training Record Sheet (stick it in the log book)
  3. Complete Self-Learning Tool (SLT) 2 times per year (6-month cycle with deadline in Mar and Sep every year)
  4. Write 2 Case Reports
  5. Attend interim assessment ( fill the  Interim and Exit Assessment forms [updated October 2019] )
  6. Attend exit assessment ( fill the  Interim and Exit Assessment forms [updated October 2019] )

Sample questions for AIM Exit Assessment


Changing Training Specialty

Suspension of training

Guidelines for case report

Examples of well written case reports

Visit Form